Saturday, May 8, 2010

Jimmy, come have lunch with me........

tomorrow for Mother's DAy! This restaurant has the best Bloody Maria's! They have tequila in them instead of vodka. So good........
Remember when I first moved to Houston in 1966 and you came over and took my roommate Darline and I to Laredo, Mexico for the day! I had never drank much but we had so many Cuba Libra's and I got so sick on them on the way home. You had bought Mother a Mexican vase and I threw up in it many times. Darlene even stopped by an emergency room to get me a shot of Phenergan but I refused to go in. After Jack and I got married and would come home for a visit, you loved asking me in front of Mother about that vase and the story behind it. That would make me so mad!! You would do that on purpose because I was the "perfect" daughter and Mother never thought bad about me. BTW, I called in sick at work to get the day off to go to Mexico with you and the next day I had to work with a hangover and everyone felt so sorry for me!!!

1 comment:

Veronica said...

I know he would take you up on that lunch date!!!