Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Where is Margaret ??

I got a copy of this picture from Uncle Bobby,Such a precious picture! It must have been a special day like Easter Sunday :)


Margaret said...

Veronica, that is so precious! Please put one on Fernie Ray's blog, too. I click twice on the picture and it enlarges it really big! The sweet smiles on the boys' faces warms my heart and I didn't realize their dog was also in the picture at the bottom. I wonder what his name was? Thank you so much, sweetheart!

Veronica said...

We had to get a new computer and scanner/copier due to ours being taken when our house was broken into. So I was playing around with some pictures and found this one.... It is so adorable,I belong to the Bridges Kentwood page on Facebook,they are looking for some so I sent it to them also. I glad you liked it, I hope to come across one soon with all four of you guys in it :) If I do I will let you know.

Margaret said...

Uncle Ray told me the dog's name was Pick-up because they got him at the dump!