Friday, April 24, 2009

Chaning got a new car!!!

Chaning and her friend Kayla in Chaning's new Jetta!
She is so excited! Sorry I haven't posted any news, pics, etc.
It has been crazy around here. Tom started a new job, Chaning's had like an out of town competition EVERY weekend! Mason has been busy with band, his school got 1st place at district and we will be traveling to Lake Charles for State Tuesday. I'm thinking about not putting my pics on Kodak anymore because they are now charging a fee. Shutterfly doesn't charge so I working on an album there! But, Mom loves her new job and seem to be doing better than she has in a very long time! Sooooo thats all for now I will be back sooon :)

1 comment:

Margaret said...


I love Chaning's new car! Traci's first car was a jetta! Sheri said Chris (his real dad) and Tate have been looking at cars. His birthday is April 30th.

I talked to your mom tonight and she does seem to be happy with her job. I'm so sorry she won't be coming to our Slumber Party though.