Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Walker High School Homecoming 2008


Margaret said...

Veronica, I got quite a surprise when I clicked on Mason's picture to enlarge it! I didn't realize it was a video!!! It was great!

Also, Chaning is so beautiful! I loved her dress and her hair and her smile and her sweet personality. Thank you so much for posting these pictures. Please encourage your mom and Ramona and Paris to get on Papa's Place.

I noticed you visited Fernie Ray's Place. Isn't Andi just the cutest thing!

Did you get my email about the reunion?

Veronica said...

Yes! I got your email and I am excited!! We're gonna have a blast:] I'm trying to encourage Tom, Mom,Paris & his family, and Ramona & her family to check it out. They don't know what their missing:\