Thursday, August 14, 2008

Avery's New Look

Here's Avery and Caroline before we left for the Astro's game on Tuesday. Don't they look cute??? The Astros won big that night after we had left early!!


Veronica said...

Beautiful girls!!I know you are enjoying having them close:]
Avery looks like her surgery was a success! She is adorable and her ears look so natural!

Margaret said...

Thanks, Veronica. I had to be careful what I said on the main page just in case they read it. However, one comment Avery made when she first looked in the mirror was, "I look like an elf!" She made us laugh. Her doctor said they would loosen up a bit as she grows older.

Regardless, all of us are so happy with the results. Thank you for encouraging us to go through with the operation.