Thursday, February 25, 2010

Say a little prayer for us.............

Our house was broken in to on Tuesday and They took many precious things to us.
Say a little prayer some of my jewelry will show up, it was just pieces that were special to me, they took all the jewelry I have even owned in my whole life....
and TVs, Laptops, Cash, Credit Cards, etc. It will take time to replace the things of convenience but the jewelry can never be replace as they were items that my Dad gave my Mom, and Tom had given me at special times in our lives.


Margaret said...

Oh, Veronica, I am heartbroken for you over the lost of your precious memories and the jewelry. I just thank God no one was home and got hurt. I do hope some of the jewelry will surface. I'm thinking about you, sweetheart, and saying those prayers.

Veronica said...

Thank you :)